Research Partner (Hungary):
Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), founded in 1782, has more than 110 departments and institutes operating within the structure of eight faculties,employing about 1700 lecturers, 700 researchers and other diploma holders. BME issues about 70% of engineering diplomas in Hungary. The Department of Telecommunications and Media Informatics (TMIT) is a department at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics. The professional objective of BME TMIT is to perform internationally recognized research and development activities in the area of Internet-based telecommunications, mobile telecommunications, data processing and human-computer interaction focusing on innovation. The related research activities lead to an average of 30-40 reputable scientific publications a year. Besides publications, the research work within the department has already resulted in equipment and software, which have been exploited by its industrial partners. BME TMIT has extensive telecommunication, management and artificial intelligence related knowledge. Since in the network management, speech technology and user interaction areas handling of high volume redundant data is a known issue, the knowledge of the state-of-the art in big data and deep learning will give an interesting insight to the partners in different industries. The acquired expertise will be used in our cooperation with industrial partners, other European and national projects as well as in education. Recent related EU projects: PAELIFE, VUK, DANSPLAT, AI4EU