Research Partner (Portugal):

is a leading Portuguese company in the field of promotion and management of international projects on Innovation, Training and Research & Technological Development. The company’s mission is to provide the knowledge, the management capacity, the partnerships and the technical and financial support needed for the development of innovation projects of its customers. Counting with more than 20 years of experience, INOVA employs a highly qualified team of more than 75 consultants based in offices all over Europe, such as Porto (headquarters), Lisbon, Brussels, Luxembourg, Warsaw and Germany. INOVA is also linked to a wide network of partners, which include Universities, Research Centres, Municipalities, Industrial clusters, Brokerage Institutions and European Bodies. INOVA is also active in applied research through its R&D unit (the unit involved in this project) providing high quality services of research, project management, concept and product development at the European level, in the areas of ICT for Health, ICT for Smart Sustainable Cities, ICT for Security & Defence and ICT for Industrial and Business Automation; having large experience in prototyping and data collection and analysis. This experience has been developed through a successful track record of FP5, FP6, FP7 and lately H2020 research projects. Simultaneously, INOVA R&D unit is Recognized by the Ministries of Economy and Education and Science as a competent entity for Research and Development in technical and scientific fields of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (in the fields of electronics and computers and software engineering and information systems) and also in Bioengineering, Biotechnology and Biochemistry (in the areas of biomedical engineering and imaging and biosignals).