The fascinating journey of the APH-ALARM project is coming to an end. 

Desde a 4ª newsletter continuou-se o desenvolvimento da plataforma e da aplicação, tendo-se realizada outra iteração da avaliação ágil.

(Hungary, Budapest 19.11.2022)

The Aphasia Associaton (Hungary) presented the project in Budapest (November 19), during the forum of the Aphasie International.

(Poland, Gdansk18.10. – 20.10.2022)

Ana Patricia Rocha (University of Aveiro) and Stefan Leipold (Loidl Consulting) at the international AAL Forum in Gdańsk, to present APH-Alarm solution as well as selected topics of the project research.

(Austria, Vienna, 29.09. – 30.09.2022)

The APH-Alarm project has been presented as a part of Loidl-Consultings “Startup Corner” in Vienna. At this national conference 59 companies and organizations presented their solutions in front of 3.000 visitors. 

(Canada, Vancouver, 28.09. – 01.10.2022)

Ana Patricia Rocha (University of Aveiro) participated in a conference (MobileHCI) in Vancouver